Monday, September 7, 2009

Back to school!

Hi All,

It was a crazy summer and now it is time to buckle down and get back to school. Unfortunately, my brain has not gotten the message. We have been back to class for two weeks now and I am not doing well on my tests! Please say a prayer for me if the Lord brings it to mind. I am working just as hard studying, but for whatever reason... I am struggling.

The summer was a great time to catch up on some socializing. As you read in my previous post I was able to go up to NC for Mike's Graduation/Mollie's Dedication in May. In June, I worked like a crazy woman. I was in the office on Monday's and Friday's and then working nights at All Children's Hospital on Tuesday's and Wednesday's. My poor body didn't know when to be awake and when to sleep. The blessing was that between the two jobs I was able to work full time for the summer.

In July, Pam and Mike came to town with Mollie, although it was due to a sad occasion (Pam lost a close friend from her Elementary School days) it was very good to see them. Also, Beckie and the boys were down from Nashville. We had a few girl's nights out, and really enjoyed each other just like old times:)

In August, I drove up to see Ethan and his family for three days. The trip up was eventful, because I was struck by a semi on the highway. I know that sounds terrible, but the damage was minimal and although I was a wreck when it first happened, the Lord was with me and not only gave peace, but protection as well. I was only in Murfreesboro for three days, but it was good to see Ethan, Sharon and the kids, it had been a year since we were together. I was able to be there for Luke's 2nd birthday (couldn't believe how he has grown) we celebrated by having a family day of fun. We started at the McDonald's with a play area, headed to the mall play area and then off to Chuck E Cheese. The kids had a blast and the three adults were plumb tuckered when we got home:)

Now it is time to hit the books and focus. Thanks for reading.

Love to all.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

School is out for SUMMER:)

Hi All,
It has been an adventuresome month! I have completed my first semester of Nursing School and I got an A in my classes. Whoopee! About 1 week after I finished school, my Grandma and I flew up to Asheville to watch Mike (my brother in law) graduate from collage. Congrats Mike for a job well done! We were also able to be there for the Graduation/Baby Dedication party. It was great fun to spend time with the family.

After returning from the trip to North Carolina I started my new job at All Children's Hospital. For those of you who don't know All Children's services 17 counties in the central Florida area. There is only one other children's hospital in the state which is located in Miami. The reason I took this job was 1) Because I wanted to work extra hours in the summer (I am still working for Woman's Health Associates 16 hours a week) 2) Because I wanted to see what it was like working in health care for Children. Right now my position is Unit Secretary, but there are two Patient Care Technicians who are graduating from Nursing School in December, so some positions will probably be opening up on our floor next year. Since Hospital hours are 24-7 I have been working some night shifts and some day shifts. My poor body doesn't know when to stay up and when to go back to bed, so it is kinda crazy.

For an update on my cousin's husband (Kevin) his last Chemo treatment is Friday (6/12/09). He has done well through the Chemo and Radiation treatments. The big test comes in a few weeks when they test to see if the tumor has decreased in size. Your prayers are coveted for Kevin and his family.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

May 2009

Hi All,

I got a call from my good friend Carolyn who reminded me to update my blog. Sorry it has been so long... but sometimes I think... nothing that exciting is going on. I am very excited though to be finishing up my 1st semester of Nursing School. It has been a rough ride, but we have made it through.

Finals are this upcoming week (Tuesday, May 5th 8AM-10:30 AM) for you prayer warriors out there. The jury is still out but if I make at least an 81% on the final I will get an A in all of the classes. It would be a nice boost for the GPA!

On the home front, Mom and Dad are in TN this week visiting Ethan, Sharon, and the kids (I'm jealous) and headed to NC to take care of sweet pea (aka Mollie) while Pam heads back to work full time. In two weeks Mike will graduate with his Associates Degree in Fish and Wildlife Management. Go Mike! At last check he had made straight A's all the way through the program. He is tough competition let me tell ya.

On a somber note our cousin Carolyn's husband (Kevin) has been diagnosed with Stage III Lung Cancer, which is a total shock since the man is not, and never has been, a smoker. They have two young daughters (Amanda and Katelyn). At this point it looks as though he is headed for Chemo/Radiation in an effort to shrink the tumor prior to surgery. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Just another reminder that we are not in control... but we know the ONE who is. Please pray that Kevin, Carolyn, and the kids would feel the presence of God in a strong way as they face the road that lies ahead.

God Bless!


Friday, January 2, 2009

Mollie smiles

Ok, some may call me "silly aunt Holly," but I was standing there talking to Mollie and she was making faces at me. For those of you who have not been blessed with seeing our precious little Minnie Mollie, just picture Pam making faces, but on a much smaller scale. I swear she has her Momma's eyes. Anyway, I stood there with the camera taking shots and then all of the sudden she smiles. Now the poor kid can't see who she is smiling at, but she furrows her brow when you start talking to her. Isn't it the cutest little gummy smile? I am totally smitten. Thanks everyone so much for your prayers, Mollie is doing great. Check out Pam's blog for the latest updates.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

I got to hold her!

Hi All,

Mollie is doing wonderfully! Thanks so much for your prayers, God is answering and amazing us once again. I got to hold her at her 6pm feeding tonight and wanted to share the pics with everyone,

Happy New Year Everyone,
